Dynamical processes on complex networks
Marc Barthélémy (IPhT)
2010-01-08 10:00, Salle Itzykson, IPhT
2010-01-15 10:00, Salle Itzykson, IPhT
2010-01-22 10:00, Salle Itzykson, IPhT
2010-02-05 10:00, Salle Itzykson, IPhT
In this set of lectures, I will provide a general introduction to complex networks and to some research themes in dynamical processes on such structures.
These lectures are aimed to a non-specialist audience with a minimal knowledge of probability theory.
The tentative plan is:
- Introduction: Complex networks, dynamical processes
- Examples of processes: from synchronization to the voter model
- Examples of real-world networks
- Models of complex networks
- The archetype: Erdos-Renyi random graph
- A small-world: Watts-Strogatz
- Broad degree and weight distributions: Barabasi-Albert and variants
- Percolation and failure cascades on complex networks
- Motivation
- General results
- Importance of the degree distribution: percolation threshold for scale-free networks
- Epidemic spread on complex networks
- Spread of diseases over contact networks; rumor spread
- Spread of diseases in metapopulation models: mean-field approach; fluctuations and existence of a pandemic threshold
IPhT Courses
Short course title:
Complex networks