From mathematical singularities to physics of turbulence |
Hydrodynamics |
Symmetry and topology in QFT for pedestrians |
Quantum field theory |
Gravitational waves, scattering amplitudes and BMS |
Astrophysics, Gravitation, Scattering Amplitudes |
Topological insulators for beginners |
Many-body problem |
Bootstrap methods in mathematical physics |
Boostrap, Harmonic analysis, Holography |
Introduction to CUDA programming for physicists |
Computational Physics |
Aspects of black hole perturbation theory |
Astrophysics, Gravitation |
Exactly solvable 2D conformal field theories |
Boostrap, Conformal field theory |
The string worldsheet approach to AdS3/CFT2 |
AdS/CFT, Conformal field theory, String theory |
Naturalness in Quantum Field Theory after the Large Hadron Collider |
Gravitation, Particle physics, Quantum field theory |
Introduction to quantum integrability |
Integrable systems |
Mathematical problems in Machine Learning |
Machine Learning |
Advances in 2D holography |
AdS/CFT, Conformal field theory, Random matrices, String theory |
The space of holographic CFTs |
AdS/CFT, Conformal field theory, Gravitation, String theory |
Rough paths for physicists |
Differential equations, Stochastic processes |
Introduction to Topological Recursion |
Geometry, Quantum mechanics, Random matrices, String theory |
Quantum chaos and eigenstate thermalization |
Chaos, Many-body problem, Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics |
Gravitational waves in a nutshell |
Astrophysics, Cosmology, Gravitation |
Resurgence Methods and Applications |
Quantum field theory, Quantum mechanics, String theory |
The Analytic S-matrix |
Conformal field theory, Particle physics, Quantum field theory |
Celestial holography primer |
Conformal field theory, Holography |
Exploring High-Energy Physics with Jets |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory |
Topological Phases of Matter |
Many-body problem, Quantum mechanics |
Lorentzian methods in conformal field theory |
Conformal field theory, Integrable systems, Quantum field theory |
Parallel programming for physicists |
Black holes and microstate geometries |
Cosmology, Gravitation, Quantum field theory, String theory |
Quench dynamics and relaxation in isolated integrable quantum spin chains |
Integrable systems, Many-body problem, Non-equilibrium physics, Quantum mechanics |
From Classical Gravity to Quantum Amplitudes |
Astrophysics, Gravitation, Scattering Amplitudes |
Dark matter phenomenology |
Cosmology, Particle physics |
Unsupervised neural networks: from theory to systems biology |
Information, Networks, Statistical physics |
Asymptotic symmetries, black holes, and holography |
AdS/CFT, Geometry, Gravitation, Quantum field theory |
Riemann surfaces |
Geometry |
Statistical physics of glassy systems: tools and applications |
Disordered systems, Statistical physics |
An introduction to Markovian open quantum systems |
Non-equilibrium physics, Quantum mechanics, Stochastic processes |
Effective field theories in particle physics |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory |
Graphical insights, with applications from QCD to cosmology |
Combinatorics, Cosmology, Particle physics, Scattering Amplitudes |
Fonctionnelles browniennes et applications |
Statistical physics, Stochastic processes |
Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists |
Gravitational waves |
Cosmology, Gravitation |
Quantum integrability: old and new tools |
AdS/CFT, Integrable systems, Supersymmetry |
Dynamics of quantum many body systems far from thermal equilibrium |
Many-body problem, Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Random matrix theory: introduction and applications |
Random matrices, Statistical physics |
Bootstrapping conformal theories in arbitrary dimension |
Boostrap, Conformal field theory |
Quantum entanglement in condensed matter systems |
Information, Many-body problem, Quantum mechanics |
Cosmic inflation |
Cosmology |
Random matrices |
Integrable systems, Random matrices |
On-shell methods for amplitudes in quantum field theory |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory, Supersymmetry |
Quantum measurement theory |
Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics |
Higgs physics in the Standard Model and beyond |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory |
Statistical physics of inference |
Information, Statistical physics |
Non-perturbative aspects of supersymmetric gauge theories |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory, Supersymmetry |
An introduction to the non-perturbative renormalization group |
Quantum field theory, Statistical physics |
Conformal field theory in two dimensions |
Conformal field theory |
Quantum criticality and high-temperature superconductivity |
Quantum field theory, Superconductivity |
Processus stochastiques et dynamique des systèmes hors d'équilibre |
Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics, Stochastic processes |
String theory compactifications |
Particle physics, String theory, Supersymmetry |
Reaction-diffusion and propagation in non-homogeneous media |
Differential equations |
The physics of neutrinos |
Cosmology, Particle physics |
A short introduction to the quantum formalism |
Information, Quantum field theory, Quantum mechanics |
Supersymmetry in condensed matter and statistical physics |
Random matrices, Statistical physics, Supersymmetry |
Black holes in string theory |
AdS/CFT, Gravitation, Information, String theory |
Semiclassical methods: from quantum mechanics to quantum field theory |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory, Quantum mechanics |
Exploring nonequilibrium statistical mechanics with driven diffusive systems |
Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Quantum algorithms and information |
Information, Quantum mechanics |
Cosmology and the cosmic microwave background |
Cosmology, Particle physics |
Introduction to scattering amplitudes |
Conformal field theory, Particle physics, Quantum field theory, Supersymmetry |
The dynamics of quark-gluon plasma and the AdS/CFT correspondence |
AdS/CFT, Gravitation, Hydrodynamics, Non-equilibrium physics |
Dynamics of supersymmetric gauge theories |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory, Supersymmetry |
The AdS/CFT correspondence |
AdS/CFT, Quantum field theory, Supersymmetry |
Dynamical processes on complex networks |
Networks, Statistical physics |
Quantum many-body problem: selected topics |
Many-body problem, Non-equilibrium physics, Superconductivity |
Chaotic dynamical systems |
Chaos, Differential equations |
Ondelettes et analyse numérique |
Differential equations |
Développements récents en physique statistique hors d'équilibre |
Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Probabilité et processus stochastiques, pour les physiciens (et les curieux) |
Stochastic processes |
Black holes in General Relativity |
Gravitation |
Théorie des champs à basse dimension : introduction et applications |
Conformal field theory, Integrable systems, Non-equilibrium physics, Supersymmetry |
Hydrodynamic instabilities in quantum liquids |
Hydrodynamics, Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Cohérence quantique de systèmes macroscopiques |
Information, Quantum mechanics, Superconductivity |
Transition vitreuse et systèmes hors d'équilibre |
Chaos, Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Le modèle standard supersymétrique |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory, Supersymmetry |
Cosmologie et fluctuations primordiales |
Cosmology, Gravitation |
Éléments de combinatoire algébrique |
Combinatorics, Statistical physics |
Intégrabilité et la conjecture AdS/CFT |
AdS/CFT, Integrable systems |
Théorie statistique des champs avancée |
Quantum field theory, Statistical physics |
Petite introduction aux systèmes intégrables classiques et quantiques |
Integrable systems |
Brownian functionals and their applications |
Differential equations, Stochastic processes |
Cours introductif de géométrie algébrique pour physiciens |
Geometry |
Aspects théoriques des astroparticules |
Cosmology, Particle physics |
Introduction au calcul quantique et aux circuits à bits quantiques |
Information, Quantum mechanics |
Interactions à haute énergie en QCD, et applications aux collisions d'ions lourds |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory |
Time-related issues in statistical mechanics |
Non-equilibrium physics, Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics, Stochastic processes |
Méthodes combinatoires pour l'énumération des graphes planaires |
Combinatorics |
Processus de croissance bidimensionnelle pour (et par) des amateurs |
Conformal field theory, Statistical physics, Stochastic processes |
Cordes et environnements gravitationnels |
Gravitation, String theory |
Introduction aux méthodes de Monte Carlo Quantique en matière condensée |
Statistical physics |
Intégrabilité, modèles de matrices et géométrie algébrique |
Geometry, Integrable systems, Random matrices |
N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory, twistor space and dualities |
Quantum field theory, Supersymmetry |
Aspects of General Relativity in higher dimensions |
Geometry, Gravitation |
Systèmes hors d’équilibre |
Differential equations, Non-equilibrium physics, Stochastic processes |
Introduction aux théories conformes |
Conformal field theory |
Biologie moléculaire |
Information, Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Topics in renormalization of gauge theories |
Quantum field theory |
Noncommutative solitons: field theory counterparts of D-branes |
Quantum field theory |
The flavour and CP problems as windows for new physics beyond the Standard Model |
Particle physics, Supersymmetry |
Introduction aux aux modèles de matrices |
Random matrices |
Théorie de scattering en Physique mésoscopique |
Quantum mechanics, Superconductivity |
Brane models |
Particle physics, String theory, Supersymmetry |
Schur processes and the geometry of random 3D Young diagrams |
Combinatorics |
Impuretés quantiques et effet Kondo |
Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics |
Théorie adiabatique et indices topologiques en physique du solide et physique moléculaire |
Quantum mechanics |
Introduction à la théorie des métaux |
Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics |
Introduction au magnétisme localisé |
Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics |
Univers primordial et naissance des fluctuations cosmologiques |
Cosmology, Gravitation |
High temperature cuprate superconductors |
Superconductivity |
Invariance conforme et multifractalité planaire |
Conformal field theory, Statistical physics |
Basics of quantum chromodynamics |
Particle physics, Quantum field theory |
Matrices aléatoires |
Random matrices |
Turbulence for (and by) amateurs |
Hydrodynamics, Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Aspects structurels de la théorie quantique des champs: relations entre plusieurs domaines d'applicabilité |
Cosmology, Quantum field theory |
Théorie des champs du désordre figé via l'approche des répliques et l'approche dynamique |
Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics, Stochastic processes |
Champs quantiques à température non nulle |
Non-equilibrium physics, Quantum field theory, Statistical physics |
Introduction to String Theory |
AdS/CFT, String theory, Supersymmetry |
Thermodynamique hors d'équilibre |
Non-equilibrium physics, Statistical physics |
Bose-Einstein condensation |
Quantum mechanics |
Quelques sujets chauds en physique des particules |
Particle physics, String theory |
Méthodes de quantification semi-classique exacte |
Differential equations, Quantum mechanics |
Introduction aux réseaux de neurones |
Information, Networks |
Cosmologie, la formation des grandes structures de l'Univers |
Cosmology |
Dynamique vitreuse |
Non-equilibrium physics |
Physique quantique mésoscopique et théorie des matrices aléatoires |
Chaos, Quantum mechanics, Random matrices |
Systèmes quantiques intégrables |
Integrable systems |
Théorie des champs et phénomènes critiques. Développement à grand $N$. |
Quantum field theory |